Convert your name to Kanji
Please enter in alphabet or katakana

All names in Japan are based on Katakana/Hiragana sounds. Foreign names need to be converted to those sounds in order to be translated into kanjis. For that reason, your name may not sound exactly the same in Japanese as you say it. Even more, there are Japanese sounds that have no kanji counterpart and they are usually modified to match kanjis.

Please wait...
We coudn't find any possible match or your name was too long. Please try again or input your name in Katakana.
  • {{$index+1}} Kanji
NOTE: Please read our Quick User Guide (PDF)
  • {{ row.kanji }}
    {{ option.rom[$index] }} {{ option.parts[$index] }}
    {{ row.meaning }}
    • {{ opt.kanji }}
      {{ opt.meaning }}
{{ chosen.basename }}
{{ chosen.kanjis }}
{{ part }} ({{ rom }})